Sorority Rites House Tour

Sorority Rites House Tour is an “easter egg” game that can be discovered after a player beats Derenoid and follows a URL trail that continues through Dere Quest 2. Like Dere Quest 2, this game can be downloaded from a link to a file-sharing website. It is described as a prototype, and the events shown in the game take place one week before Sorority Rites, so approximately June 30, 2014.


The player controls Dr. Rotschstein in a first-person view, exploring the mansion seen in Sorority Rites. There are nine tools for recording paranormal activity on a table in the first room, although the player can only take up to six in one playthrough. Each item can unlock a short “scene” in which Dr. Rotschstein gains some information about the mansion and the spirits inhabiting it. Each such scene awards points to the player, though some scenes are worth more than others. Dr. Rotschstein also has 100 health points, which are reduced when he is attacked by any of the creatures inhabiting the mansion (two dogs, a deer, and several giant spiders).

In order to escape the mansion, Dr. Rotschstein needs to find three wall-mounted switches, each in a different room. Each switch unlocks the door to the next switch. Once all three switches are flipped, the player needs to wait a certain amount of in-game time before morning comes and the door to the final room (the one with the fireplace) opens, allowing Dr. Rotschstein to escape. The game is won when Dr. Rotschstein leaves the mansion alive. The game is lost when health points are reduced to zero.


Around the time of Yanna Curtis’s death, paranormal investigations in the mansion by the Rotschstein Institute are well underway. Most rooms have a camera stationed in them. If Dr. Rotschstein communicates over the two-way radio, he learns from Lilith that “the yandere” (Kara Gentner) is trying to escape, and that someone had broken into the mansion some time before he arrived. He is able to take a photo of Yanna’s ghost is he is quick enough. He can also receive basic communication from Yanna and other spirits in the mansion. These short messages are usually angry or vindictive, but sometimes sad or fearful. Several animals have inhabited the mansion, including two vicious dogs, and several giant spiders.
Baron Dipitous Baron Dipitous Author